Darrang District

Welcome to the official website of Darrang District

Economy of Darrang District

The economy of the Darrang district is basically agrarian, where the majority (about 85%) of the population is engaged in agriculture and allied activities.

Irrigation Potentiality in the District

The Brahmaputra is the main river along the border of the south of the district, flowing from east to west. Other important tributaries include Barnadi, Nanoi, Mangaldai, Noanodi, Saktola, and Dhansiri, which are perennial in nature.

Ground Water Potential

The district is divided into three belts regarding ground water potential:

Source Wise Irrigated Area Under Different Schemes

Sl. No Source Name of the Schemes Command Area (ha)
1 Flow Irrigation (8 Nos.) Podopari 130 ha
Nadirkash 350 ha
Arimari 200 ha
Nanoi 498 ha
Tangni 490 ha
Lakhi Bund 60 ha
Sukhajani 340 ha
CM Dutta 860 ha
Sub Total: 2928 ha
2 DTW (16 Nos.) Rangamati 70 ha
Kuwapani 35 ha
Niz Dahi 35 ha
Pati Darrang 105 ha
Hengalpara 70 ha
Majikuchi 70 ha
Shyamabari 210 ha
Kalyangaon 320 ha
Kharupetia 70 ha
Niz Sarabari 105 ha
Baruajhar 120 ha
Kadamtali 70 ha
Kabeichuba 120 ha
Kawadonga 75 ha
Dhula 105 ha
Kasomari 60 ha
Sub Total: 1640 ha
3 LIS (7 Nos.) Kalaigaon 60 ha
Saktola 100 ha
Kuwapani 35 ha
Dalanghat 35 ha
Burhinagar 70 ha
Kurua 900 ha
Nonoi 800 ha
Sub Total: 2000 ha
4 STW (8681 Nos.) Sub Total 14558 ha
Grand Total 21,126 ha

District Agriculture Profile at a Glance

1.1 Agro-climatic / Ecological Zone

Agro Ecological Sub Region (ICAR): Assam And Bengal Plain, Hot Subhumid To Humid (Inclusion Of Perhumid) Eco-Region

Agro- Climatic Region (Planning Commission): Eastern Himalayan Region (II)

Agro Climatic Zone: North Bank Plain Zone (NBPZ)

List of Districts Falling Under the NBP Zone:

Geographic Coordinates of District:

Latitude: 20°9'N to 26°95'N
Longitude: 91°45'E to 92°22'E

Name and Address of the Concerned KVK:

KVK, Darrang, Mangaldai (P.O) Darrang (dt), Assam. 784125.

KVK Located in the District:

KVK, Darrang, Mangaldai (P.O) Darrang (dt), Assam. 784125

1.2 Rainfall

Season Rainfall (mm)
SW Monsoon (June-Sept) 1056 mm
NE Monsoon (Oct-Dec) 126 mm
Winter (Jan-March) 106 mm
Summer (Apr-May) 503 mm
Annual Total 1791 mm

Normal Onset:

Normal Cessation:

1.3 Major Soil

Soil Type Area (ha) Percentage of Total
Sandy Loam Soils 67,500 ha 47.46%
Clay Loam Soils 49,900 ha 35.12%
Silty Clay Loam Soils 22,500 ha 15.63%

1.4 Land Use Pattern

Land Use Area (ha)
Geographical Area 1,85,058 ha (1850.58 sq. Km)
Gross Cropped Area 1,32,670 ha
Area Sown More Than Once 59,051 ha
Cropping Intensity 180.95%
Net Cropped Area 73,619 ha
Area Not Available for Cultivation 43,182 ha
Permanent Pastures & Other Grazing Land 3,105 ha
Land Under Miscellaneous Tree Groves 7,653 ha
Cultivable Waste Land 3,879 ha
Fallow Land 17,763 ha
Chronically Flood Prone Area 13,200 ha

As per Agriculture Census, 2005-06:

The number of agricultural farm families is 77,092. Agriculture is the main source of income for the people in this district. The following table gives the utilization of land in the district.

Crop Wise Gross Area Covered in the District (2012-13)

Sl. No Name of Commodity Area Under Cultivation (ha)
01 Cereals 85,596
02 Pulses 5,379
03 Oilseeds 13,683
04 Fibre Crops 4,986
05 Sugar Crops 622
06 Kharif Vegetables 4,559
07 Rabi Vegetables 10,990
08 Spices & Condiments 2,715
09 Fruits 5,988
10 Total 134,518


Name of Crops 2011-12 2012-13
Area (ha) Production (MT) Avg. Yield (Kg/ha) Area (ha) Production (MT) Avg. Yield (Kg/ha)
Cereals & Millets
Winter Rice 49,870 90,230 1,809 47,053 86,107 1,830
Autumn Rice 16,305 14,670 900 16,266 20,577 1,265
Summer Rice 18,135 47,400 2,614 19,170 50,225 2,620
Total Rice 84,310 152,300 1,806 82,489 156,909 1,902
Wheat 2,350 3,243 1,380 2,357 3,267 1,386
Maize 632 619.36 980 728 722.18 992
Other Cereals & Small Millets 20 10.2 510 22 11.4 518
Total Cereals 87,312 156,172.56 1,788.7 85,596 160,909.58 1,879.8
Gram 48 31.44 655 45 29.52 656
Arahar (Tur) 95 55.29 582 98 57.33 585
Blackgram 1,820 1,119.30 615 1,135 700.30 617
Greengram 218 116.63 535 185 991.60 536
Lentil 1,020 719.10 705 3,716 2,653.20 714
Peas 356 253.50 712 110 80.08 728
Other Pulses 86 43.86 510 90 46.35 515
Total Pulses 3,643 2,339.12 642 5,379 4,558.38 847.5
Total Food Grains 90,955 158,511.68 1,743 90,975 165,468 1,819
Rape & Mustard 11,426 6,718 588 11,568 6,825.12 590
Linseed 527 300.4 570 520 298 573
Niger 240 123.6 515 295 152.8 518
Sesamum 739 450.8 610 680 416.2 612
Groundnut 660 340.56 516 620 318.7 514
Total Oil Seeds 13,592 7,933.36 583.6 13,683 8,010.82 585.4

Area, Production & Productivity of Different Crops

Fibre Crops

Name of Crops 2011-12 2012-13 Area (ha) Production (MT) Avg. Yield (Kg/ha)
Cotton (Seed) 6 6 2.6 2.6 433
Jute (Dry Fibre) 4592 4610 61992 bale 62775 13.50 b/ha
Mesta (Dry Fibre) 403 370 1918 bale 1918 bale 4.76 b/ha
Total Fibre 5001 4986

Sugar Crops

Name of Crops 2011-12 2012-13 Area (ha) Production (MT) Avg. Yield (Kg/ha)
Sugarcane (Cane) 588 622 21301.2 22547.5 34920

Kharif Vegetables

Name of Crops 2011-12 2012-13 Area (ha) Production (MT) Avg. Yield (Kg/ha)
Ridge Gourd 575 580 4160.1 4247.92 7324
Sponge Gourd 510 532 3697.5 3943.18 7412
Snake Gourd 432 416 3420.5 3300.54 7934
Ash Gourd 456 478 6343 6668.1 13950
Pointed Gourd 487 440 2456 2266 5150
Brinjal 290 295 4409.45 4523.82 15335

Rabi Vegetable Crops

Rabi Vegetables

Name of Crops Area (ha) 2011-12 Production (MT) 2011-12 Avg. Yield (Kg/ha) 2011-12 Area (ha) 2012-13 Production (MT) 2012-13 Avg. Yield (Kg/ha) 2012-13
Carrot 120 1681.44 14012 128 1801.47 14074
Tomato 763 11704.42 15340 820 12570.6 15330
French Bean 552 3538.32 6410 585 3767.4 6440
Brinjal 580 9309 16050 650 10497.5 16150
Pea 1385 1031.8 745 1650 1257.3 762
Pumpkin 188 1752.16 9320 195 1828.5 9377
Radish 580 5689.8 9810 620 6083.44 9812
Cabbage 840 13381.2 15930 862 13899.75 16125
Cauliflower 875 9150.75 10458 910 9641.45 10595
Knol Khol 725 4556.62 6285 745 4700.95 6310
Potato 3372 22761 6750 3470 23672.34 6822
Sweet Potato 187 479.46 2534 190 503.5 2650
Tapioca 15 58.2 3880 15 59.73 3982
Others 150 529.5 3530 150 532.5 3550
Sub Total Area: 10332 10990

Spices & Condiments

Name of Crops Area (ha) 2011-12 Production (MT) 2011-12 Avg. Yield (Kg/ha) 2011-12 Area (ha) 2012-13 Production (MT) 2012-13 Avg. Yield (Kg/ha) 2012-13
Chilli 838 543 648 865 562.25 650
Turmeric 560 341.6 610 562 356.3 634
Onion 210 462 2200 215 475.15 2210
Ginger 415 2753.5 6635 440 2956.8 6720
Coriander 380 378.1 995 455 453.18 996
Garlic 145 467 3220 146 489.68 3354
Others 35 25.9 740 32 24.16 755
Sub Total Area: 2583 2715



Name of Crops Area (ha) 2011-12 Production (MT) 2011-12 Avg. Yield (Kg/ha) 2011-12 Area (ha) 2012-13 Production (MT) 2012-13 Avg. Yield (Kg/ha) 2012-13
Banana 982 13952.25 14208 995 14278.25 14350
Pineapple 95 1427.28 15024 148 2269.58 15335
Khasi Mandarin/Orange 25 264.67 10587 25 264.5 10580
Assam Lemon 278 2723.84 9798 312 3065 9824
Papaya 78 982.41 12595 88 1474.35 16754
Guava 205 3952 19278 207 4186.57 20225
Litchi 195 1616.16 8288 198 1471.14 7430
Mango 138 1331.42 9648 138 1453.41 10532
Jack Fruit 280 1981 7075 296 2378 8034
Cashewnut (Dry) 14 0.588 42 14 0.56 40
Coconut 614 4298000 Nos. 7000 Nos. 605 4186600 6920
Arecanut 2680 17621 6575 2655 17746 6684
Other Fruits 305 1906.25 6250 307 1924.89 6270
Sub Total Area: 5889 5988

Cropping Intensity

For the Year: 2011-12

Gross Cropped Area: 133463

Net Cropped Area: 73619 hectares

Cropping Intensity: 181.3 %

For the Year: 2012-13

Gross Cropped Area: 134518

Net Cropped Area: 73619 hectares

Cropping Intensity: 182.7 %

Schematic Achievement during 2012-13

Major Schemes implemented by Deptt. Of Agriculture, Darrang, Assam:

Scheme wise details of achievement during the period 2012-13:

Name of the Scheme: RKVY-2011-12 (Year of implementation: 2012-13)

Scheme Components and Achievements

Demonstration Programme on Sugarcane

Scheme Component Target Unit Achievement % of Achievement
Demonstration Programme on Sugarcane @ 9.25 MT/demo (demo size = 1 ha), variety: Kolong 9.25 ha (9 Nos.) 8.22 ha (8 Nos.) 88.8 %
Distribution of Potato Tubers to the farmer/PPS 715 qtls 715 qtls 100 %
Distribution of Maize Seed to the farmer/PPS 112.5 qtls. 112.5 qtls. 100 %
Distribution of Lentil Seed to the farmer/PPS 900 qtls. (Received only 824 qtls. till date) 824 qtls. 100 %
Distribution of Pea Seed to the farmer/PPS 525 qtls. 525 qtls. 100 %
Distribution of Mustard to the farmer/PPS 180 qtls. 180 qtls 100 %
Distribution of DAP Fertilizer (50 % Subsidy) for flood affected farmers 136.8 MT (Received only 30.0 MT qtls. till date) 25 MT 83.33 %
Distribution NPK Mixer Fertilizer against oilseed crops to the farmer/PPS 90.0 MT 90.0 MT 100 %

NAEP-2011-12 (Year of implementation: 2012-13)

Name of the Scheme/ Programme Physical Target Unit Physical Achievement % of Physical Progress
Distribution of Lentil Seed 168 qtls 168 qtls 100 %
Distribution of Pea Seed 202 qtls. (Received only 200 qtls. till date) 200 qtls 100 %
Distribution of Mustard 425 qtls. 425 qtls. 100 %
Distribution of Hybrid Paddy (Arize 6444) 56.88 qtls. 56.88 qtls. 100 %
Distribution of Hybrid Paddy (DRRH-2) 29 qtls. 29 qtls. 100 %
Distribution of Urea 156.7 MT 156.7 MT 100 %
Distribution of SSP 449.4 MT (Received only 60 MT. till date) 449.4 MT 100 %
Distribution of MOP 41.2 MT 41.2 MT 100 %
Distribution of Zinc Sulphate 534 qtls. 534 qtls 100 %

HMNEH, 2011-12 (Year of implementation: 2011-12 & 2012-13)

Sl. No Component Target Achievement % of Achievement
1 Hybrid Vegetables Cultivation 100 ha 100 ha 100 %
2 Turmeric Cultivation 100 ha 100 ha 100 %
3 Farmer's Training 75 Nos. Trainee 75 Nos. Trainee 100 %

Scheme Components and Achievements

National Vegetable Initiatives for Urban Cluster (NVIUC), 2011-12 (Phase-I)

Sl. No Component Target Achievement % of Achievement
A.1 Open Field 150 ha 150 ha 100 %
A.2 Hybrid 160 ha 160 ha 100 %
B Protected Cultivation (Low Cost Green House) 160 Nos. (100 sq. m) 160 Nos. 100 %
C Farmers' Training 600 Nos. 600 Nos. 100 %

Jute Technology Mission, 2011-12 (Implementation year: 2012-13)

Sl. No Name of Item Target Achievement % of Physical Achievement Remarks
1 Jute Technology Demonstration 42 Nos. 42 Nos. 100 % -
2 Jute Seed Minikit Distribution - - Completed -
3 kg Kit 300 Nos. 300 Nos. 100 % -
1 kg Kit 2200 Nos. 2200 Nos. 100 % -
3 Construction of Pucca Retting Tank (Jute) 70 Nos. 16 Nos. 22.85 % Construction on Progress & Fund release is going on
4 Jute Adoptive Trial Size = 7 bigha 6 Nos. 100 % On Progress, Finance with Directorate of Agriculture

National Food Security Mission-Rice, 2012-13

Sl. No Component Target Achievement % of Achievement
1 Paddy Cultivation in SRI method/line transplanting/Direct Seeded Rice on Cluster Basis 1000 Nos (Gen= 921, SC=79) 1000 Nos (Gen= 921, SC=79) 100 %
2 Cluster demonstration of Hybrid Rice 700 Nos (Gen= 645, SC=55) 700 Nos (Gen= 645, SC=55) 100 %
3 Distribution of Hybrid Paddy Seed 200 Nos (Gen= 184, SC=16) 200 Nos (Gen= 184, SC=16) 100 %
4 Distribution of HYV Paddy Seed 4500 ha (Gen= 4145, SC=355) 4500 ha (Gen= 4145, SC=355) 100 %
5 Distribution of PP Chemicals & Bio-Agent 2000 Nos (Gen= 1842, SC=158) 2000 Nos (Gen= 1842, SC=158) 100 %
6 Distribution of knapsack Sprayer 1305 Nos (Gen= 1100, SC=205) 1305 Nos (Gen= 1100, SC=205) 100 %
7 Promotion of Micronutrient 2000 Nos (Gen= 1842, SC=158) 2000 Nos (Gen= 1842, SC=158) 100 %
8 Distribution of Pump Set 900 Nos (Gen= 832, SC=68) 900 Nos (Gen= 832, SC=68) 100 %
9 Cropping System based training 5 Nos (Gen= 4, SC=1) 5 Nos (Gen= 4, SC=1) 100 %
Local Initiatives (Seed bin, capacity 1.0 qtl.) 504 Nos (Gen= 465, SC=39) 255 Nos (Gen= 235, SC=20) 50.6 %

Disaster Management Programme, 2012-13

Component Achievements

Sl. No Component Target Achievement % of Achievement Remarks
1 Establishment of Community Nursery for raising Sali paddy seedling to distribute amongst the flood affected farmers 86 ha (344 qtls.) 86 ha (344 qtls.) 100 % Committed Expenditure
2 Distribution of Paddy Seed (IR-64) @ 5 kg/ flood affected farmer 430.30 qtls. 430.30 qtls. 100 % Distribution Completed
3 Distribution of Assorted Vegetable Seeds (One kit Contains 740 gms hybrid Seed @ ₹2495/- per kit) 450 Nos (449 ha) 450 Nos (449 ha) 100 % Distribution Completed

KCC Sponsored Report by Department of Agriculture, Darrang (1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013)

Sl. No Name of the Bank Application Forwarded (Nos.) Application Sanctioned (Nos.) Amount Disbursed (₹ in lakhs)
1 UCO Bank 228 137 51.19
2 SBI 7335 1030 1313.64
3 CBI 543 448 158.21
4 UNION Bank 255 546 173.30
5 Co-Operative Apex Bank 0 116 17.32
6 Assam Gramin Vikash Bank 1781 1065 275.76
7 UBI 1 43 12.92
8 PNB 158 29 6.20
9 AXIS Bank 0 0 0
10 ICICI Bank 0 0 0
11 HDFC Bank 0 0 0
12 Mangaldai Nagar Samabai Bank 0 0 0
13 Indian Bank 22 4 5.38
Total : 10323 3418 2013.92